Wednesday, October 07, 2009

A while ago they found plesiosaur bones on the bottom of the ocean covered in bite marks and leftover teeth. Sharks are often moved to frenzy when they feed, but the amount of focus it must have taken to bring down something as big as a plesiosaur is remarkable. The scientists think that the creature was probably already dying when the sharks found it and started to bite, sinking slowly deeper into all kinds of darkness. It rested at the bottom and slowly became a mystery, and the sharks, satisfied with their power, stayed the way they were then all the way through to now.

Walking home in a dark and chilly fall evening, happy and surrounded by the smell of fires on hearths in the houses around me, I find myself thinking about that plesiosaur. I wonder if the Loch Ness Monster remembers where it comes from as it swims slowly through its own dark waters. Do sea monsters find themselves wistful on cool fall evenings, distracted by history and speculation? I think that these ancient creatures and I have more in common than either of us might like to admit.

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