Wednesday, December 24, 2008

It is raining more than snowing now, and in the next few days both the snow and my happy snow face will be gone. All of the snow has caused a lot of trouble for a lot of people, but it has kept me almost completely out of work for a week and given me days and days of excellent crunching noises, and I will be sad to see it go. (Although I will not be sad to be able to finally leave my apartment after dark, when everything that melted during the day unmelts and turns my hill into a solid sheet of ice.) Between the snow and election night, there have been so many people smiling on the sidewalks lately, high fiving and helping each other out, and that is perhaps the best part.

Shortly I'll be on my way to trek through the slush up to a friend's house, to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas celebrating at the bars whiskey style and next to her fire watching movies. I hope that all of you have lovely quiet Christmases as well, snug and cozy and warm and full of tofurkey and lil smokeys and champagne.

Happy snow face

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