Monday, October 10, 2005

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It only took a minute to realize that the women sitting behind me were planning a wedding. They were each bent so far over the table that their heads nearly touched in the middle, and swatches of pink were strewn all over the space between them. The conversation was familiar: formal vs. casual, traditional vs. nontraditional, full bar vs. sober mother-in-law. I don't currently know anyone that's getting married--the rush has died down now--and I sort of miss the details. It eventually dawned on me that one of the women, the one with all the answers, was a wedding planner.
There was no husband in sight.

I would like to wring out the last few weeks, which have been rife with disappointments, and head to the ocean. Just me and a coastline. But I know that it's much better in my head.

My French teacher's baby, Eva, was fussy all evening. This is because Eva thinks I'm great, and because babies can smell a sucker from a mile away. She knows that if she makes noise I'll pay attention to her. If you've been playing along on the home version you'll know that I love babies and small furry animals, particularly, at this point in my life, when they belong to someone else. Tonight's lesson was excruciating, because I have been working at translating from English into French and it's a lot more difficult than the other way around. I need to focus and study more, because I have so much more shit to get together if I'm going to make it in France in the spring. What I need is someone who is fluent to hang out with (and if that someone was tall, skinny, and tattooed, well...that would be a bonus).
So today I have been completely defeated by a children's book, and that's a new and different kind of humbling.

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