Sunday, August 07, 2005

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I can't tell you how long I've been sitting here, trying to figure out an appropriate birthday post for my Sarah. But the trouble is that trying to explain this girl is tough, like trying to describe the exact taste of a smile.
Because the thing is that Sarah is amazing. She is strong and beautiful and smart, and even beyond that she is kind. She is the sort of girl who will on an hour's notice drop everything to go pick up a friend with a broken down car three states away. (Yep, Val told me all about that.) Sarah considers people, really tries to see them for who they are, and to accept them for all of that. She recognizes her own faults and tries to fix them, because she will not give up the struggle to decide who it is that she really wants to be. And if we are in fact each others demons and angels then I am confident that Sarah is my angel. She is the sort of girl that I want to be, and England is a very lucky country to currently have possession of her.

I am a lucky fool, very rich in amazing friends. And of all the people I know, Sarah is my star. I can't wait to see what she does next, what she learns and who she becomes. I am her biggest fan.

It's your birthday now in England, darling, so happy birthday. I love you.

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