Wednesday, November 13, 2019

I dreamt that I was in a field on top of the Space Needle. You could see the whole city up there, but I didn't like that there was no railing on the edge, nothing to keep you from falling off. I understood in the dream that I must have climbed a ladder to get up there but the only way down was to drop into a hole that would eventually turn into a slide. You could see it on the maps and diagrams, a long tube that eventually curved gently and led to the ground a few blocks away. The first step was a plummet, though, and we know from my time on the trapeze that while I'm not necessarily afraid of heights I am not even remotely interested in falling through space. I woke up feeling like I had spent years standing there in front of that hole, willing myself to jump, knowing that some day the relief of getting down would outweigh the fear of falling.

 I dreamt that I was on a reality show about making fireworks. Since fireworks are among my top five favorite things I was excited to compete, though it occurred to me just as I woke that I've never gotten around to actually learning how to make fireworks.

I dreamt that I had surgery on my skull, cracking it open all along the top. It took all the hair in a line across the whole top of my head and scraped out a long divot of blood and bone. They patched me back together but no one wanted to acknowledge my wounds. I was embarrassed and sore and angry, but right before I woke up I realized that I could play the staples in my scalp like a piano.

I dreamt there were four kittens and I could choose whichever one I liked.

1 comment:

Phil said...

Nice to see your light on again!