Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Hi there, 2013.

I rang you in in the nicest way, in sequins and surrounded by friends, kissing my favorite guy at midnight for the second New Years in a row. I woke up a few hours later to a very pink dawn shooting through a very blue sky, which is an omen that I will take.

Still I am having trouble fighting irrational feelings of doom, remembering how quickly things went wrong this time last year, how many blind spots it turned out that we had. I keep waiting for all of the shoes to drop, which as usual is making me act a little bit like a natural disaster myself. Self-fulfilling prophecies are annoying that way, so I should probably just stay quiet and still and sober until the feeling passes. Making mountains out of anything at all is not a skill I ought to continue to cultivate.

I'm not sure how it's happened exactly, but the year is already filling up with fun plans, with trips and parties and changes. In just a couple of weeks I'll be going to Hawaii, to sit in new places and eat new things.

Let's just keep it together, you and me, and move forward in all the best ways we can manage.


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